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The future of disinfection - Why DiffX™ outperforms chlorine

The future of disinfection: Why DiffX™ outperforms chlorine

In the battle against hospital-acquired infections, the choice of disinfectant can make a critical difference. For years, chlorine-based disinfectants have been the go-to solution for many healthcare facilities. However, recent research has drawn attention to the inadequacy one of the main chlorine disinfectants – bleach – and its inability to kill off Clostridioides difficile (C. [...]

Header - Supporting the guardians of the Healthcre Galaxy

Supporting the guardians of the (healthcare) galaxy

Infection control staff and healthcare cleaning teams make a major contribution to protecting the health of the nation.  Often working diligently below the radar, these two crucially important teams function as the first line of defence and the last line of resistance in the fight against harmful pathogens.     People protectors  Infection prevention and control [...]

Protect your staff and patients

Protect your staff and patients with clean and safe healthcare settings

Protection against infection The team here at DiffX Does It™ are passionate about the work we do to help hospitals reduce infections and keep them clean. Our aim is to reduce the impact of Healthcare Acquired Infections for our loved ones who are ill and or vulnerable, the dedicated staff who care for them and [...]

Are hospitals moving away from chlorine

Are Hospitals moving away from Chlorine?

We’re hearing more and more from hospitals looking for an alternative to chlorine for disinfecting their healthcare settings. Research is building a steady case against the use of chlorine-based disinfectants and cites a strong connection between chlorine usage and levels of occupational asthma. Both nursing staff and domestic teams can be subject to the long-term [...]

BLOG HEADER IPC Route to Net Zero

Supporting the IPS with their Route to Net Zero

As corporate members of the Infection Prevention Society (IPS), it was great to attend the IPS Journey To Net Zero conference in Birmingham and hear more about the ongoing task of taking NHS’ emissions to Net Zero by 2040 in all areas under their control. It was great to see the subject of sustainability discussed [...]

How to use DiffX™ to clean and disinfect

How to use DiffX™ non-chlorine cleaner and disinfectant

Our DiffX™ products are easy to use and proven to destroy life threatening viruses, fungi, yeasts, spores and bacteria. Its pH neutral formula is easy on the environment and a powerful disinfectant that eliminates all surface contamination. To support you use our product correctly we have this short video. The 5 main points from the [...]

Cleaning and Disinfecting Sustainably in Healthcare

As the season changes and the weather improves, we all think about new beginnings, fresh starts, and a thorough spring clean. We’ve taken the new season to remind ourselves of our environmental impact and how we can help you to reduce yours. In 2020 the NHS adopted a plan to become the world's first carbon net [...]

Winter Pressures and the Importance of Infection Prevention & Control

Winter months bring colder temperatures and shorter days, but they also bring something else – more pathogens and illness! In this blog we remind ourselves of the importance of infection prevention and control and cleaning and disinfection within a healthcare setting. Common cold, flu, and norovirus, can spread quickly and cause serious complications for those [...]

IP2022 – DiffX™ exhibiting on 17th October 2022

The IPS annual conference is the largest infection prevention and control exhibition in the UK, and it is expected to attract upwards of 600 professionals. The 2022 conference is now not only relevant to healthcare delegates as the issue of infection prevention is becoming increasingly important but also to many industry sectors from catering to [...]

Save Time & Reduce Infections: Domestic Services, Trust South England

BACKGROUND The Domestic Services team from a Trust in the South England were keen to find a system and product suitable for environmental maintenance cleaning as well as disinfection for wards and clinical departments. The team had been using a two part process, that involved an initial environmental clean followed by additional disinfection with a [...]

Cost-effective, safe and trusted chlorine-free disinfectant products


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